What to Drink to Last Longer in Bed: How to Sip Your Way to Sex Success

Ever had that awkward moment mid-romp where you finish way too soon? Your partner’s left staring at the ceiling, wondering what happened, and you’re just… deflated. It’s a real confidence killer, isn’t it? Trust me, we’ve all been there. Premature ejaculation (PE) sucks, and struggling to last longer in bed is a pain point for a lot of guys.

But guess what?

There might be a solution sitting right there in your fridge. No, I’m not talking about those suspicious energy drinks claiming to be the next Viagra. Gas station trash. Yuck. I’m talking about real, natural drinks that can actually help you up your game in the bedroom.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the awkwardness and sip your way to longer-lasting sex, stick with me. We’re about to dive into the science behind what you drink and how it affects your time between the sheets. Certain drinks can improve blood circulation, leading to better performance, longer-lasting erections, and overall sexual stamina.

Because let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be a bedroom superstar?

Let’s go.

What to Drink to Last Longer in Bed

Alright, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty: what should you be drinking to keep the party going all night long?

Most commonly, there are certain drinks can help regulate blood pressure, either improving flow or managing the pressure, which then enhances erectile function and overall stamina.

Hydration: The Unsung Hero

Think water’s just for quenching your thirst after a workout? Think again.

Dehydration can seriously mess with your sexual performance. When you’re low on fluids, your blood volume drops and that means less blood flow to, well, everywhere. Staying hydrated supports cardiovascular health, which is crucial for maintaining good sexual performance.

And trust me, you want plenty of blood flowing to those nether regions for optimal performance.

So, how much water should you be chugging? The general rule of thumb is about 8 glasses a day (sometimes up to 11), but you might need more depending on your activity level and climate. Keep a water bottle handy and sip on it throughout the day; that’s a really easy way to meet your target.

And this is so important. Statistics show that a staggering 75% of adults don’t even get close to the recommended daily hydration levels and are thus classed as chronically dehydrated. Don’t be in that statistic!

Pomegranate Juice: The Ancient Aphrodisiac

This ruby-red juice isn’t just tasty; it’s packed with antioxidants that can boost your testosterone levels and improve erectile function. These antioxidants help improve blood flow and counter oxidative stress and inflammation, which are factors related to sexual dysfunction.

Think of it as nature’s little helper in the bedroom. Plus, it’s good for your heart, and a healthy heart means better blood flow… you get the idea.

If you’re not a fan of straight pomegranate juice, try mixing it into a smoothie or adding a splash to sparkling water for a refreshing twist. It won’t treat lifelong premature ejaculation, but it can help!

Watermelon: More Than Just a Summer Treat

Turns out, watermelon is more than just a delicious way to cool down on a hot day. It’s loaded with L-citrulline, an amino acid that your body converts into L-arginine. Why does that matter?

L-arginine helps to relax your blood vessels, which means improved blood flow… again, key for a strong erection, lasting power, and enhanced sexual pleasure.

So, next time you’re at the grocery store, toss a watermelon into your cart. You can eat it as a snack, blend it into a smoothie, or even add a few slices to your water for a subtle flavor boost.

Green Tea: Sip Your Way to Sexual Stamina

Think of green tea as the energizer bunny of drinks. It contains catechins, which are antioxidants that can improve blood flow and increase sexual stamina so you last longer in bed. Translation?

Better erections, more sexual arousal for you and your partner, and more stamina during said sexual activity.

Plus, green tea is an excellent alternative to sugary energy drinks, which can actually hurt your performance in the long run. So, ditch the Red Bull and brew yourself a cup of green tea instead.

Beyond the Basics: Other Drinks to Experiment With for Sexual Performance

While the drinks we’ve covered are the heavy hitters, there are a few other options you might want to explore:

Banana Smoothies: Bananas are packed with potassium, an electrolyte that helps regulate muscle function (including those down there). They’re also rich in essential nutrients like magnesium and vitamins, which support the production and regulation of sex hormones. This can help improve libido, boost sex drive, and enhance male sexual performance. Plus, they’re a great source of natural sugars for a quick energy boost.

Ginger Tea: Ginger is known for its warming properties and ability to improve circulation. A warm cup of ginger tea might just get things flowing in all the right places.

Tart Cherry Juice: Tart cherries are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which could benefit your overall sexual health. Some studies suggest they might even help with erectile dysfunction (see here).

Oh, and basically, drinking a fair amount of any kind of fruit juice, especially pineapple, is said to make your cum taste better, which is great for oral sex. Just don’t drink too much that you’re consuming a ton of sugar, as that’s not great for your health or weight.

Disclaimer: While these drinks show promise, the research is still ongoing, so don’t expect them to be miracle cures.

Drinks That Sabotage Your Sex Life

Okay, now that we’ve covered the good guys, let’s talk about the villains lurking in your liquor cabinet. While a nightcap might seem like a good idea to get you in the mood, certain drinks can actually sabotage your sex life and negatively impact your sexual activity and performance faster than you can say “premature ejaculation.”

Alcohol: The Double-Edged Sword for Erectile Dysfunction

Now, I’m not saying you have to swear off booze completely. Sure, it’s scientifically better if you do, but let’s be real, life is life, and unless you’re strictly going with no alcohol, chances are you’ll have a drink every now and then.

What’s important is to understand how alcohol affects your performance so you can make an informed decision.

In small amounts, it might help you relax and lower your inhibitions, which can be a good thing. But overindulge, and things start to go south. Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it can slow down your nervous system and make it harder to get and maintain an erection.

That won’t help when it comes to any degree of performance anxiety.

Additionally, alcohol can impair sexual arousal and performance, making it difficult to achieve the desired level of sexual excitement.

Plus, it can impair your judgment and coordination, leading to some seriously awkward fumbles in the bedroom. If you’re trying to stay in control and not succumb to premature ejaculation, then this won’t help either.

So, if you’re planning a night of passion, go easy on the booze. Stick to one or two drinks, and opt for options like red wine, which contains antioxidants that might actually have some benefits for your sexual health.

Sugary Drinks: The Sweet Saboteurs

Think sugary sodas, energy drinks, and even those fancy coffee concoctions are harmless? Think again. These drinks are loaded with sugar, which can cause your blood sugar to spike and then crash, leaving you feeling tired and uninterested in sex.

Plus, too much sugar can contribute to weight gain and other health problems, which can further dampen your libido and lead to sexual dysfunction.

So, if you want to keep your energy levels up and your performance on point, ditch the sugary drinks and opt for healthier options like water, unsweetened tea, or even a homemade smoothie. Your body (and your partner) will thank you.

Remember, it’s all about balance. Enjoying a drink here and there is fine, but moderation is key. By making smart choices about what you put into your body, you’ll set yourself up for success in the bedroom and beyond.

Lifestyle Factors: It’s Not Just About What You Drink

Let’s be real, fellas: what you drink is just one piece of the puzzle. Your overall lifestyle plays a huge role in your sexual health and performance.

Exercise: Regular physical activity improves proper blood flow, boosts testosterone levels, and reduces stress – all of which can lead to better sex.

Healthy Eating: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains gives your body the nutrients it needs to function at its best, including in the bedroom.

Stress Management: Stress can wreak havoc on your libido and performance. Find healthy ways to manage stress, whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Watching porn is not one of them.

Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for your overall health and well-being, including your sexual function. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles through exercises can improve ejaculatory control and increase endurance during intercourse. Pelvic floor exercises, such as Kegels, are a natural remedy that can potentially enhance your sexual performance and reduce the risks of premature ejaculation. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on incorporating these exercises into your routine.

Think of it like this: your body is a machine, and it needs the right fuel and maintenance to run smoothly. Taking care of yourself is the best way to ensure you’re ready for action whenever the moment strikes.


So, there you have it, guys; it’s time to literally raise a glass to your sex life and sexual experiences.

Your drink of choice could be the secret weapon you’ve been searching for to improve your sexual stamina and last longer in bed. Whether it’s water, pomegranate juice, watermelon, green tea, or even a banana smoothie, these natural elixirs can give you the boost you need to take your bedroom game to the next level.

These drinks, along with lifestyle changes, can also help delay ejaculation (and reduce premature ejaculation) and improve your overall sexual performance.

Remember, though, it’s not just about chugging a magic potion or some kind of sexual medicine. A healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, and stress management all play a vital role in your sexual health. So, make smart choices, take care of yourself, and don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

Oh, and if you’re looking for other sex-boosting alternatives, check out Bathmate penis pumps. Hailed as the most powerful penis pumps in the industry, you can boost your size, sexual stamina, and self-confidence with a regular pump routine.

Check them out here.

And with that, here’s to your sex life – may it be long, satisfying, and filled with plenty of delicious drinks. Cheers!

The post What to Drink to Last Longer in Bed: How to Sip Your Way to Sex Success appeared first on Bathmate Blog – Men’s Health, Sex & Performance Advice.

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