Transforming Confidence: Dan Green’s 6-Week Bathmate Review

Join Dan Green as he embarks on a six-week journey with Bathmate, documenting his progress and sharing his insights along the way. From initial skepticism to impressive results, Dan provides an honest and detailed account of his experience using Bathmate. This blog features weekly videos and summaries, giving you a comprehensive look at what to expect from consistent use of Bathmate products.

Disclaimer: As this is a full review, the videos feature full frontal nudity and are intended for viewers 18 and older.

Throughout this journey, Dan discusses his reasons for choosing Bathmate, his routine, and the changes he observes each week. By the end of six weeks, you’ll see the tangible results and hear Dan’s thoughts on how Bathmate has impacted his confidence and satisfaction.

Explore Dan’s week-by-week Bathmate journey below and discover how this product can make a difference for you.

Week 1: The Beginning – Unboxing and First Impressions

Hello everyone, meet Dan Green! He’s starting a six-week journey with Bathmate and has decided to document his experience to share insights and results. Dan kicks off his series by introducing himself and explaining the purpose of his channel, which focuses on penis health and confidence. His goal is to break the stigma and encourage open discussions about men’s health issues.

Dan’s journey begins with the unboxing of his new Bathmate Hydromax. He reassures viewers about the discreet packaging, emphasizing that there’s no need to worry about any embarrassing labels. After struggling a bit with the packaging, Dan finally reveals the pump and its components. He highlights the comfort pad and the importance of using a hydro pump for even pressure distribution and long-term health benefits.

Before trying the Bathmate, Dan takes his initial measurements: 12 centimeters in length. He then heads to his bathroom for the first session. Following the instructions, Dan fills the pump with water, ensures no air is inside, and carefully inserts his penis. He demonstrates the process of creating a vacuum and pumping, noting the immediate increase in size.

Although he doesn’t complete the full recommended routine this time, Dan is already impressed with the initial results. After the session, he measures again and finds a noticeable gain of 1 centimeter, bringing his length to 13 centimeters.

Dan wraps up his first week by emphasizing the importance of penis health and encouraging viewers to join him on this journey. He invites questions and comments, aiming to build a supportive community around this often-overlooked aspect of men’s health.

Week 2: Steady Gains and Addressing Erectile Dysfunction

It’s week two of Dan Green’s Bathmate journey, and he’s here to update us on his progress with the pump. Dan is thrilled to see people reaching out with questions, particularly about erectile dysfunction, a topic he mentioned in his previous video. He plans to explore this further in future videos, possibly using a power ring from Bathmate to help maintain the blood flow after pumping.

For today’s video, Dan is focusing on using the Bathmate pump for the full recommended routine: five minutes of pumping followed by a massage, repeated three times for a total of 15 minutes. Before starting, Dan measures his progress from last week. He’s pleased to see that his initial gains of 1 centimeter have held steady, starting this week at 13 centimeters.

In the bathroom, Dan demonstrates the process again, filling the pump with water and ensuring a tight seal. He notes how quickly he’s gotten the hang of it and begins his routine. After each five-minute session, he massages to ensure even blood distribution, emphasizing the importance of being gentle to avoid injury.

After completing the full routine, Dan measures again and is excited to see another gain, bringing his length to just under 14 centimeters. He’s thrilled with the progress and eager to continue his daily sessions.

Dan wraps up the week by thanking everyone who has reached out with questions and encourages more interaction. He promises to thoroughly research the erectile dysfunction topic and provide accurate, helpful information in a future video. Dan also plans to order a measuring gauge from Bathmate to replace his makeshift tape measure, ensuring more precise and safe measurements.

Week 3: Enhanced Tools and Techniques

This week, Dan has some exciting updates. He ordered a measuring gauge from Bathmate to replace his makeshift tape measure, ensuring safer and more accurate measurements. The package arrived in discreet packaging, as always. Along with the gauge, he received a sample of “Max Out” gel, which he plans to explore in a future video.

Dan starts by showing us the new measuring gauge, which resembles a wristband and promises a more comfortable and precise measuring experience. He’s excited to ditch the risky tape measure and use this new tool for today’s session.

In the bathroom, Dan takes his initial measurements: just over 15 centimeters in length and around 11 centimeters in girth. He emphasizes the importance of warming up before using the Bathmate, likening it to warming up before a gym workout to avoid injury and maximize effectiveness.

Dan demonstrates his warm-up routine, involving gentle downward strokes to increase blood flow. He then proceeds with the full pumping routine, confident and experienced by now. After the first five-minute session, he massages his penis to ensure even blood distribution, then repeats the process two more times.

After completing the routine, Dan measures again and finds impressive gains: about 16.4 centimeters in length and 13 centimeters in girth. He’s thrilled with the results, showing significant progress in just three weeks.

Dan wraps up by sharing some interesting scientific information about morning erections and the body’s natural process of flushing out acids and proteins during the night. He explains how Bathmate replicates this process, which can be particularly beneficial for those with erectile dysfunction.

Week 4: Progress and Confidence Boost

Dan’s journey continues into week four, and things are looking great. He starts by sharing his excitement about the progress so far and mentions that he’s considering extending his journey to eight weeks if there’s enough interest.

This week, Dan revisits the sample of Max Out gel he received with his measuring gauge last week. After a bit of research, he learns that it’s a testosterone-boosting gel designed to be used alongside the Bathmate pump to maximize results. He’s curious to hear if anyone else has tried it and whether it’s worth a dedicated video.

Moving on, Dan compares his progress from the first week to now. He’s pleased with his consistent gains and overall experience. It’s time for the routine measurement and pumping session.

In the bathroom, Dan takes his before measurements: 15.5 centimeters in length and 11.7 centimeters in girth. He emphasizes the importance of warming up, likening it to prepping for a workout. After a good warm-up, he proceeds with his Bathmate routine, filling the pump and creating a seal.

Dan follows his usual method: five minutes of pumping followed by a massage, repeated three times. After completing the routine, he measures again and finds even more progress: 17 centimeters in length and 13.5 centimeters in girth. He’s thrilled with the steady improvement.

Reflecting on his journey so far, Dan notes the confidence boost he’s experienced. He feels more comfortable in public restrooms and is no longer self-conscious about his size. This newfound confidence translates into other areas of his life, making him more assured in social situations.

Dan concludes by reflecting on the progress he’s made, from an initial 12 centimeters to now reaching 17 centimeters in just four weeks. He’s happy with the health benefits and the added confidence that comes with his results.

Week 5: Trying Out the Max Out Gel

In week five, Dan faces a few technical challenges, including a broken camera and an injured foot. As a result, he decides to focus on trying out the Max Out gel sample he received last week. While he can’t use the pump this time, he’s excited to see how the gel works on its own.

Dan begins by taking his initial measurements: 16 centimeters in length and 12.5 centimeters in girth. He then carefully follows the instructions for the Max Out gel, applying it to his hands and using a gentle milking motion to distribute it evenly along his penis. Dan notes that the gel smells nice and feels quite professional compared to his previous technique.

After using the gel for a while, Dan takes his measurements again: just over 16 centimeters in length and close to 13 centimeters in girth. He’s pleased with the results, especially considering he only used the gel and not the pump.

Reflecting on the experience, Dan finds the Max Out gel to be a promising addition to his routine. He plans to continue using the sample and monitor his progress before deciding whether to purchase more. He also mentions his intention to buy a shower strap for added convenience.

Dan wraps up by summarizing his progress and encouraging viewers to consider the Max Out gel as part of their regimen. He’s looking forward to the final week of his six-week journey and excited to see the overall results.

Week 6: Final Gains and Reflections

In the final week of his journey, Dan provides an update on his progress and how he’s adapting to some ongoing challenges. His foot is still healing, so he opts to use the Bathmate in the bath instead of the shower. Dan also unboxes and tries out a new shower strap, even though he can’t use it in the shower just yet.

Dan starts by taking his initial measurements: 16.7 centimeters in length and 13.2 centimeters in girth. He then walks through the process of using the Bathmate in the bath, noting that he’s keeping his injured foot out of the water. He demonstrates how to fill the pump and use it without needing the locking mechanism due to the submerged environment.

After completing his session, Dan measures again and is thrilled to find that he’s broken the 18-centimeter mark in length and reached 13.6 centimeters in girth. These final gains are significant, and Dan is clearly excited about the results.

Reflecting on the six-week journey, Dan shares his overall satisfaction with the Bathmate experience. He’s seen improvements not only in size but also in confidence, erection quality, and overall penis health. He mentions that he’s been using the Max Out gel alongside the pump and is pleased with its effects.

Dan concludes by expressing his gratitude for the support he’s received throughout the journey. He’s open to continuing the series or exploring new products if there’s interest. For now, he’s thrilled with the progress he’s made and encourages others to consider their own health and confidence improvements.


Dan’s six-week journey with Bathmate has been nothing short of impressive. From his initial curiosity to significant gains in length and girth, Dan has documented every step with honesty and enthusiasm. His experience highlights the importance of consistency and dedication, resulting in both physical and confidence boosts.

If you’re inspired by Dan’s results and ready to start your own transformation, head over to the Bathmate website and choose the pump that suits your needs. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, Bathmate has a range of products designed to help you achieve your goals.

Still not convinced? Check out other testimonials and reviews to see how Bathmate has helped countless users improve their confidence and penis health.

Don’t wait – take the first step towards a more confident you. Visit the Bathmate website today and get started on your own journey!

The post Transforming Confidence: Dan Green’s 6-Week Bathmate Review appeared first on Bathmate Blog – Men’s Health, Sex & Performance Advice.

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