Top 10 Best Cock Rings

Cock rings, or penis rings, are the little sex toys that could, so we get why you’re curious about buying one! They’re bands that fit around the base of your shaft (and sometimes your testicles, too), and besides bringing an element of kinkiness to the equation, they can also help with your sexual performance.

“The main benefit of cock rings is that they help with maintaining erections by preventing the blood from leaving the erectile tissues in the penis, making erections longer and stronger,” says Dr. Zhana Vrangalova, Ph.D., NYU professor of Human Sexuality and a sexpert for LELO. “This can lead to longer and more satisfying sex sessions and can also relieve feelings of performance anxiety some penis-owners might have about their erections.”

Some penis rings also vibrate, which you’ll find on this list of our favorite cock rings on the market. Vibrating cock rings “have the added benefit of increasing pleasure for both the wearer and their partner (especially partners with vulvas),” Vrangalova says.

There are various kinds of cock rings to choose from, including adjustable, stretchy, and solid varieties. “I’d suggest beginners start with a soft and stretchy type of cock ring (rather than a metal one), as they are easy to put on and remove, and there is much less risk of damage due to improper fit, getting stuck, or leaving it on for too long,” Vrangalova advises. “Use a size that fits snuggly when erect, but is not painful or uncomfortable.”

As for knowing whether your penis ring fits correctly? “It should stay on and help maintain the erection but shouldn’t hurt,” she says. “I’d recommend putting the ring on when the penis is semi-erect and using lube to make it slide on easier.”

We rounded up the 10 best cock rings available on Amazon.

Best Cock Rings

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