This is the Most Unique Podcast About Sex Fantasies You'll Ever Hear


My book Tell Me What You Want is based on the largest survey of sexual fantasies ever conducted in the United States. I surveyed more than 4,000 Americans from across the country about their favorite sexual fantasy of all time, as well as hundreds of people, places, and things they might have ever fantasized about. In this book, I explore not just what we fantasize about, but also where our fantasies come from, what they say about us, and what you need to know if you’re thinking about sharing and/or acting on your fantasies with a partner (or partners).

What We Do Npr podcast

Since the book came out, I’ve had the honor (and pleasure) of participating in at least thirty podcasts to talk about the findings. I’ve shared links to all of these episodes on my social media pages, and most of them are really fantastic programs that are well worth checking out. However, one of the latest podcasts that just came out—an episode of the new NPR program What We Do—offers a little something extra.

This podcast is unlike any other I’ve participated in—and even if you’ve already listened to some of my other podcasts about the book, this one is still well worth checking out!

So how is it different? Well, almost all of the other podcasts I’ve done so far have consisted of the pretty standard Q&A interview format presented as one continuous conversation, which is certainly great. However, the new podcast comes complete with an opera singer who belts out the top sex fantasies at various points, as well as some seriously fun sound effects (including a clip from the Willy Wonka movie—you’ll just have to listen to see how that clip fits into a discussion about sex fantasies!).

We go well beyond just talking about sexual fantasies in this podcast, too—we also discuss what research has taught us about online dating, infidelity, pornography, dick pics and more. It’s a wide-ranging conversation that touches on several fascinating subjects.

The result is a highly entertaining and engaging listen. Check out the November 7, 2019 episode of What We Do over at NPR right here.

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