How to Choose the Best Training Program for Your Fitness Goals


Both the Internet and social media boast thousands of training programs, each promising the best results for anyone willing to fork over at least $5.99 or more a month. So, how do you choose the best for you?

Information overload and agonizing over the choice may be holding you back from starting. Hopping between programs is worse. Be honest, how many unused training apps are sucking the memory from your cellphone.

Finding several “great” programs aren’t that great if you wind up quitting after a few workouts. However, even the most pedestrian of programs will yield results—if followed consistently. So choosing wisely and efficiently does matter.

So, you’re asking yourself: Where do I begin? Here’s how:

Start by ignoring programs intended for competitive powerlifters, bodybuilders, and pro athletes. They may seem like can’t-miss workouts, but for your goals, it’s best to focus on choosing the plan you’re most likely to enjoy and stick to.

A novice or online trainer might start you out with a complex program filled with novel exercises you’ll struggle to master before changing them out every four weeks. Experienced coaches instead work from a small inventory of basic training program templates and customize to the individual’s goals, preferences, skill level, and injury history.

Let’s evaluate four of the most popular and effective training programs— the pros, cons, and how each would fit your goals and schedule.


Beginner's Guide to Creating Your Own Workout…

Build a strong foundation to your training regimen with these fundamental movements.

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