HIIT It This Weekend With This 15-Minute Dumbbell Workout


The weekend can be a time when calories are high and time training is low. After a long week, the last thing some people may want to think about is going to the gym. Fortunately, you can still work on that physique sufficiently without spending a lot of time in the weight room with this 15-minute dumbbell HIIT workout.

US Army Veteran, celebrity trainer, and M&F fitness expert Erik Bartell knows a lot about making the most of workout situations. If you follow M&F on Instagram, then you know that he performs workouts twice a week live helping followers kickstart their day in a fit fashion. He doesn’t need much time and equipment to get the job done, either.

For example, he recently shared a 15-minute workout that will help anyone needing to burn some calories while getting an upper body pump. Yes, this session requires only 15 minutes of movement. Counting the time transitioning from one movement to the next, you’ll be done in around 20 minutes.

The best part? You don’t need to even go to the gym to make this workout happen. All you need is one pair of dumbbells, space, and your phone open to the link below to take this session for a spin. Bartell leads you all the way through from start to finish.

About the Workout

The philosophy of the program is alternating bouts of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with periods of weight training work.

“What we do is one-minute splits, doing one minute of bodyweight movements, keeping that heart rate up. We’re going to be moving,” Bartell said. The dumbbells will be needed for the other set of movements.

“So we’re going to be focusing on strength training, time under tension, we’re going to be moving that weight slowly,” Bartell explains. “We’re really going to be focusing on that mind to muscle connection.”

Warming Up

Before you get into this session, take a few minutes to warm up and prepare the body for the intensity to come. Bartell performed arm circles in both directions, arm motions going back and forth to hugging himself, and jumping jacks. Make sure you’re warm and loosened up before you start training, and keep those dumbbells close. You don’t want to waste time going after them.

Erik Bartell’s 15-Minute Dumbbell HIIT Workout

The exercises that you’ll be doing are below. You get 15 seconds to transition from one exercise to the next. Watch the video as you do the workout because Bartell shares specific instructions to help you master form and make the exercises as challenging as possible. Once you finish the workout, take a few minutes to cool-down and stretch before going on with your weekend.

Erik Bartell’s 15-Minute Dumbbell HIIT Workout
Exercise Sets
Pushup 1 minute
Floor Dumbbell Press 1 minute
Plank Hold 1 minute
One-arm Row in Lunge Position 1 minute
Crab Bridge Hold with Opposite Toe Touch 1 minute
Floor Dumbbell Press with Hips Raised 1 minute
Skaters 1 minute
Alternating Dumbbell Row with Pause 1 minute
Shoulder Taps in Plank Position 1 minute
Floor Dumbbell Flye 1 minute
Toe Tap in Plank Position 1 minute
Kneeling Strict Shoulder Press 1 minute
Trunk Rotations 1 minute
Dumbbell Curl/Press/Reverse Curl 1 minute
Double Dumbbell Curl 20 reps or failure

For more great workouts like this one, follow M&F on Instagram as well as Bartell himself @realerikbartell.

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