Going Soft During Sex? Why It Happens & What You Can Do About It

Okay, let’s talk about something that’s pretty awkward… but also super common. We’re talking about those moments when you’re in the middle of getting intimate with your partner, and… things go a little soft.

Yeah, I’ve been there. It’s frustrating, embarrassing, and it can leave you questioning everything. But here’s the thing: it happens to way more guys than you might think. Like millions of us. And I’m not just talking about older guys, either.

This can happen to anyone at any age. Scary stuff.

So, what’s the deal? Why does it happen? And more importantly, what can you do about it? That’s precisely what we’re diving into today. We’ll look at the science behind erections, the most common reasons things can go wrong, and, most importantly, what you can actually do to get things back on track.

No shame, no judgment, just straight talk and practical advice from someone who’s been there.

Let’s get started.

The Mechanics of Erections and Blood Flow

Let’s get a little sciency for a minute – but don’t worry, I’ll keep it simple. To understand why things can sometimes go south, it helps to know how erections work in the first place.

Basically, an erection happens when your brain sends signals to the blood vessels in your penis. These blood vessels relax and open up, allowing blood to flow in and fill up those spongy tissues, which is crucial for erectile function.

This causes the penis to become hard and erect.

Sounds simple, right?

Well, it kind of is, but there are a lot of different things that need to work together perfectly for this to happen. We’re talking about nerves, hormones, blood vessels, and your brain – it’s a whole team effort. Maintaining a firm erection is dependent on healthy blood flow, and various factors like smoking, medication, and recreational drugs can restrict this flow, leading to erectile dysfunction.

And here’s the kicker: any little hiccup in this process can throw things off.

Think of it like a chain reaction – if one link is weak, the whole thing can fall apart. That’s why so many different things can cause erectile difficulties. Stress, anxiety, certain medications, even just being tired – they can all mess with the delicate balance that’s needed for a good, strong erection.

Common Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Now we’ve got the basics down, let’s talk about some of the usual suspects that can cause erectile difficulties and contribute to the development of ED symptoms and the problem of going soft during sex. And trust me, there are a lot of them.

Sexual dysfunction can also be influenced by factors such as SSRIs, sexual performance anxiety, and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Physical Causes

Heart problems: Things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, and clogged arteries can restrict blood flow, making it harder to get and keep an erection, hence you might find yourself going soft during sex.

Diabetes: This can damage nerves and blood vessels, both of which are crucial for erections. A flaccid penis can be a common symptom of these issues.

Obesity: Carrying extra weight can lead to hormonal imbalances and other health issues that affect sexual function.

Low testosterone: This hormone plays a big role in your sex drive and ability to get an erection. If your levels are low, it can definitely cause problems in the bedroom.

Medication side effects: Some medications, like antidepressants or blood pressure meds, can interfere with erections.

Psychological Causes: Performance Anxiety

Stress: I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that stress is a total mood killer. It can mess with your hormones, make it hard to relax, and zap your energy – all of which can lead to erectile difficulties.

Anxiety: Whether it’s general anxiety or sexual performance anxiety (the intense fear and pressure of engaging in sexual activity), this can create a vicious cycle where the worry itself makes it harder to perform. Sexual performance anxiety can impact sexual pleasure, erectile function, and is quite prevalent among men. It is often linked to mental health issues and can lead to anxiety disorders or depression.

Depression: This can lower your libido, make it hard to feel pleasure, and even affect the way your body functions.

Relationship problems: If you’re having trouble connecting with your partner emotionally or feeling distant, it can definitely show up in the bedroom.

Lifestyle Factors

Alcohol and drugs: While a drink or two might loosen you up, too much alcohol can actually make it harder to get an erection. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause circulatory issues and weaken blood vessels in the penis, leading to erectile dysfunction. And drugs like cocaine or marijuana can mess with your nervous system and blood flow.

Smoking: This is a big one. Smoking damages blood vessels all over your body, including the ones that are essential for erections. Smoking also negatively impacts sexual arousal by reducing blood flow to the penis.

Lack of exercise: A sedentary lifestyle can contribute to all sorts of health problems, including erectile dysfunction.

Poor sleep: When you’re exhausted, everything suffers, including your sex life.

Medication: Certain medical conditions or medication can cause sexual dysfunction as a side effect. For example, antidepressant associated sexual dysfunction can be quite common.

As you can see, there are a ton of different things that can contribute to erectile difficulties. It’s important to remember that it’s not always a simple fix, and sometimes, it can be a combination of factors.

Debunking Myths of Going Soft

Before we move on to the good stuff – the solutions – let’s take a moment to debunk some common myths about erectile difficulties. Because let’s face it, there’s a lot of misinformation out there, and it’s time to set the record straight.

Myth #1: It’s only an older man’s problem.

Fact: While it’s true that erectile difficulties become more common with age, they can happen to guys at any age. Stress, anxiety, and unhealthy lifestyle habits can affect men in their 20s and 30s just as much as those who are older.

Myth #2: It means you’re not attracted to your partner. 

Fact: Absolutely not! Erectile difficulties are usually caused by physical or psychological factors, not a lack of attraction. It’s totally possible to be madly in love with your partner and still have trouble getting or keeping an erection.

Myth #3: It’s a sign of a failing relationship. 

Fact: While it’s true that relationship problems can contribute to erectile difficulties, it’s not always the case. And even if it is, it doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed. Open communication and working together to find solutions can actually strengthen your bond.

So, there you have it. Don’t let these myths hold you back or make you feel ashamed. Erectile difficulties are a common issue, and there’s no reason to suffer in silence.

What You Can Do About It

Alright, now for the part you’ve been waiting for the solutions. If you’re struggling with erectile difficulties, don’t despair. There are plenty of things you can do to get things back on track.

Improving your sexual health can significantly impact erectile function.

See a Doctor

First things first, it’s important to see your GP to rule out any underlying medical conditions. They can run some tests, check your medications, and make sure there’s nothing serious going on. 

Plus, they can give you advice and treatment options that are tailored to your specific situation.

Lifestyle Changes

Making some healthy lifestyle changes can work wonders for your overall health and your sexual function.

Eat a balanced diet: Focus on whole foods, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy fats. Cut back on processed foods, sugar, and saturated fat. Vegan or keto diets may be able to help.

Exercise regularly: Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.

Get enough sleep: Most adults need 7-8 hours of sleep per night.

Manage stress: Find healthy ways to cope with stress, like meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature.

Talk to Your Partner

Communication is key in any relationship, especially when it comes to sex. Talk openly and honestly with your partner about what you’re experiencing. Chances are, they’ll be understanding and supportive.

You can brainstorm solutions together and find ways to keep the intimacy alive, even if things aren’t perfect in the bedroom.

Consider Therapy

If you think stress, anxiety, or depression might be playing a role, therapy can be a game-changer. A therapist can help you develop coping mechanisms, address any underlying emotional issues, and even teach you techniques to improve sexual performance. Mental health support can also help!


If your doctor determines that medication is the right option for you, there are several available to help with erectile difficulties. Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are some common examples. But remember, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the potential side effects and whether these medications are a good fit for you.

Natural Remedies

Some men find relief with natural remedies like herbal supplements or acupuncture. But it’s important to note that these options aren’t always backed by scientific evidence, and it’s crucial to talk to your doctor before trying any new supplements.

Alternatively, you can use holistic approaches, such as a Bathmate penis pump. These high-powered pumps (which are actually some of the most powerful on the market) are designed to help you increase blood flow, size, and stamina, which is a lot of wins when it comes to staying hard during sex.

Remember, this is just a starting point. There are many other potential solutions out there, and what works for one person might not work for another. The key is to be proactive, seek help, and find what works best for you.


Well, there you have it – a no-holds-barred look at why things can go soft in the bedroom and what you can do about it. I know it can be a tough topic to talk about but remember, you’re not alone. Millions of men deal with this issue, and there’s absolutely no shame in seeking help.

Whether it’s a quick chat with our GP, a heart-to-heart with your partner, exploring therapy options, or trying out and developing a practice with a Bathmate penis pump (designed for boosting confidence and enhancing your physical prowess), there are solutions that can work.

It might take some trial and error to find what’s right for you but don’t give up.

You deserve a satisfying sex life. Don’t let ED steal your confidence. Take that first step today.

Discover the Bathmate and the many other ways you can overcome erectile dysfunction and rediscover your passion.

The post Going Soft During Sex? Why It Happens & What You Can Do About It appeared first on Bathmate Blog – Men’s Health, Sex & Performance Advice.

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