30-Minute Dumbbell Workout


This 30-minute dumbbell workout was created by personal trainer, running coach, fitness consultant and co-founder of Track Life Ldn, Omar Mansour.

It’s designed to challenge all the major muscles in your body – typified by the opening exercise, which will test your quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders, core stability and proprioception. 

Need a pair of dumbbells? Discover our pick of the best dumbbells for home workouts

How to do this 30-minute dumbbell workout:

  • Perform each dumbbell exercise for 60 seconds.
  • Rest for a maximum of 15 seconds between exercises.
  • Complete 3 rounds in total, with a 60-second rest between each round.

1. Reverse lunge dumbbell press
2. Dumbbell bent-over back row
3. Dumbbell Russian twist
4. Dumbbell curtsy lunge
5. Dumbbell floor chest press
6. Dumbbell biceps curl
7. Dumbbell front squat
8. Dumbbell single-arm snatch
9. Overhead dumbbell triceps extension

Keep reading for full instructions on how to perform each exercise in this 30-minute dumbbell workout.

Related: Best dumbbell exercises for every body part

man demonstrating reverse lunge press step 1: he stands upright with two dumbbells held at his shoulders man demonstrating reverse lunge press step 2: he steps back and lunges one leg behind him while pressing the dumbbells overhead

1. Reverse Lunge Dumbbell Press  

Muscles targeted: Quadriceps, adductors, glutes, core, upper back and shoulders

How to do a reverse lunge dumbbell press:

  1. Start with your feet hip-width apart. Rack the dumbbells at shoulder height, keeping the wrists straight.  
  2. Drive one leg back into a reverse lunge, dropping the back knee down towards the ground and creating a 90-degree angle with the front knee.
  3. Let the back knee kiss or hover above the floor.
  4. Keeping the core braced at the bottom of the movement, press the dumbbells above the head.
  5. As you stand up out of the lunge, bring the dumbbells back to shoulder height.

man demonstrating bent over back rows: bent at the hips and learning forwards, he pulls each dumbbell up towards his body

2. Dumbbell Bent-Over Row

Muscles targeted: Lats, rhomboids, mid & lower trapezius and biceps

How to do a dumbbell bent-over row:

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing in towards your body), just wider than shoulder-width apart.
  2. Let the dumbbells hang with your arms extended.
  3. Push the hips back, keeping a soft knee bend, until your torso is parallel with the floor. Keep your spine straight.
  4. Brace your core and squeeze your shoulders together, then row the dumbbells up. Slowly lower them back down again, then repeat. 

Related: Best dumbbell exercises for back workouts

man demonstrates russian twist: balancing on his bottom on the floor, his legs and torso lifted, he holds a dumbbell in two hands at his chestman demonstrates russian twist: balancing on his bottom on the floor, he twists to move a dumbbell either side of him

3. Dumbbell Russian Twist

Muscles targeted: Obliques, rectus abdominis, hip flexors and erector spinae

How to do a dumbbell Russian twist:

  1. Start by sitting on the floor. Slightly lean back so your torso and legs form a V shape.
  2. Bracing your core, bend your knees and elevate your feet off the ground.
  3. Balancing in this V position, keep your legs stationary and twist your torso from side to side with control. 

man demonstrates curtsy lunges: holding a dumbell in each hand, he steps one foot behind and across from him man demonstrates curtsy lunges: holding a dumbell in each hand, he lunges until his knee nears the floor

4. Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge

Muscles targeted: Quadriceps, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius

How to do dumbbell curtesy lunges:

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Take a big step back with your right leg, crossing it behind your left. Bend your knees until your left thigh is nearly parallel with the floor.
  3. Ensure your torso is upright and your hips and shoulders are facing forwards. Keep the majority of your weight on the front leg. 
  4. Return to the start position, then repeat on the other side. 

man demonstrates floor chest press: he lays on his back, knees bent, holding two dumbbells at his chestman demonstrates floor chest press: he lays on his back, knees bent, pressing two dumbbells up towards the sky

5. Dumbbell Floor Chest Press

Muscles targeted: Chest and triceps

How to do a floor dumbbell chest press:

  1. Start by sitting on the floor in an upright position with your legs straight. Grab two dumbbells and balance them vertically on your thighs.  
  2. Slowly lay back while keeping the dumbbells close to your chest, then bend your knees to 45 degrees. Keep your feet in line with your knees.
  3. Press the dumbbells to the sky with full extension by contracting your triceps and chest. Keep squeezing your shoulder blades into the floor.
  4. Slowly lower your arms until both elbows touch the floor, then press both dumbbells back to the starting position. 

man demonstrates dumbbell bicep curl: standing upright, he holds a dumbbell in each hand before raising and lowering them in a controlled manner

6. Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Muscles targeted: Biceps

How to do dumbbell bicep curls:

  1. Stand holding two dumbbells at your sides, palms facing forwards.
  2. Bend your knees slightly while squeezing the core.
  3. Move your forearms to curl the weights up towards your shoulders.
  4. Keep your wrists straight throughout the movement.
  5. Return to the start position with control.

front squat demonstration: man holds two dumbbells at shoulder height, he bends his knees to squat

7. Dumbbell Front Squat

Muscles targeted: Quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and core

How to do a front squat with dumbbells:

  1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Rack the dumbbells under the chin, just in front of your collar bones, palms facing the body in an underhanded grip.
  2. Keeping the chest proud, core tight and back straight, push the hips back and bend the knees simultaneously until the knees reach an angle of at least 90 degrees.
  3. Pause, then push the floor away with the legs and return to standing position.

Related: Dumbbell abs workout

demonstration of dumbbell single arm snatch, step 1: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in one hand. Push your hips back and lower yourself into a deep squat.   Allow the dumbbell to hang down to touch the floor directly beneath your chest keeping that arm straight. Your back should also be straight and aim to keep the chest elevated.  dumbbell single arm snatch demonstration step 3: As the dumbbell reaches shoulder height, flip your elbow underneath the weight and press it overhead, locking out your elbow.  dumbbell single arm snatch demonstration step 2: Drive the dumbbell up explosively using your legs and back keeping a close central line to the body. Once it reaches the level of your hips, drive the dumbbell up with your arm, using that momentum created from the first part of the movement

8. Dumbbell Single-Arm Snatch

Muscles targeted: Glutes, quads, hamstrings, back, shoulders, triceps and core (full-body exercise)

How to do a dumbbell single-arm snatch:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell in one hand. Push your hips back and lower yourself into a deep squat.  
  2. Allow the dumbbell to hang down and touch the floor directly beneath your chest, keeping that arm straight.
  3. Your back should also be straight and you should aim to keep the chest elevated. 
  4. Explosively drive the dumbbell up using your legs and back, keeping a close central line to the body.
  5. Once the dumbbell reaches the level of your hips, drive it up with your arm, using the momentum created during the first part of the movement.    
  6. As the dumbbell reaches shoulder height, flip your elbow underneath the weight and press it overhead, locking out your elbow.  

man demonstrating tricep overhead extension: kneeling, he holds a dumbbell behind his head in both hands man demonstrating tricep overhead extension: kneeling, he presses a dumbbell above his head using both hands

9. Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Muscles targeted: Triceps and core

How to do an overhead dumbbell triceps extension:

  1. Grab a dumbbell and kneel on the floor with your knees shoulder-width apart.
  2. Brace your core and squeeze your glutes.
  3. Press the dumbbell overhead until your arms are straight. Keep the elbows tight and close to your ears. Your palms should face each other. This is the starting position.
  4. Bend your elbows to lower the weight behind your head until your forearms are at least parallel with the floor. Make sure the elbows don’t flare out.
  5. Pause, then straighten your arms by extending your elbows to return to the starting position.

Related: Best full-body dumbbell workout to try at home

The post 30-Minute Dumbbell Workout appeared first on MensFitness.

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